Model 231
Gemelli Isola Società Benefit SpA has adopted its own Model of organization, management and control (hereinafter also “Model 231”) and a Code of Ethics in accordance with Legislative Decree 231 of 2001 – “Discipline of the administrative responsibility of legal persons, companies and associations, including those without legal personality.”
The purpose of Model 231 is to create an organic and structured system of governance principles, organizational measures and control procedures designed to prevent the commission of the offenses set forth in Legislative Decree 231/2001 as well as to protect all Collaborators and the Company in the event of any “231 proceedings.”
The Company’s Model 231, consisting of a “General Part” and a “Special Part,” which is a mandatory requirement for the purposes of obtaining and maintaining institutional accreditation with the Lazio Region. Therefore, compliance with the principles included in Model 231, the Code of Ethics and the implementing procedures represents a reference to which all Collaborators must inform their conduct.
Collaborators and, more generally, all Recipients of the 231 Model must report to the Supervisory Board any conduct or facts that represent violations, even attempted violations, or suspected violations of the 231 Model, Code of Ethics and implementation procedures, according to the methods indicated in the “Whistleblowing” section.
The Board of Directors has appointed the Supervisory Board (SB), a body entrusted with the task of supervising the operation, compliance and updating of the Organization, Management and Control Model.
Download 231 Model
Code of Ethics
Gemelli Isola Società Benefit SpA has adopted its own Code of Ethics in which it defines the principles and values to which each Collaborator must inspire their conduct in the exercise of their assigned functions.
From these principles derive the ethical commitments that the Company’s Collaborators undertake in addition to the deontological constraints proper to the professional order or college to which they may belong, to the regulatory provisions in force and to the contractual agreements established.
The Company’s Code of Ethics incorporates the fundamental principles indicated by the Magisterium of the Catholic Church in the field of bioethics. Each Collaborator undertakes to refrain from carrying out procedures, interventions, attitudes contrary to these principles.
This Code of Ethics is an integral part of the Foundation’s Model of Organization Management and Control and is therefore functional for obtaining and maintaining institutional accreditation in accordance with regional regulations.
The task of supervising the functioning and observance of the Code of Ethics is entrusted to the Board of Directors and, within the limits of the activities within its competence, to the Supervisory Board.
Collaborators and, more generally, all Recipients of the Code of Ethics must report to the Supervisory Board any behavior or facts that represent violations or suspected violations of the Code of Ethics, in the manner indicated in the “Whistleblowing” section.