Public Relations Office

What do you want to report?

Invia una segnalazione

Send a report

You can fill out the form to send a report to the Public Relations Office of Gemelli Tiber Island Hospital.

Lascia un elogio o un ringraziamento

Leave a commendation or thank you

You can fill out the form to send a commendation or thank you to the Public Relations Office of Gemelli Tiber Island Hospital.

Richiesta di correzione dati

Data correction request

You can fill out the form to send a data correction request to the Public Relations Office of Gemelli Tiber Island Hospital.

Submit a report

freccia a sinistraExit

Type of report

Leave a commendation or thank you

freccia a sinistraExit

To whom and for what do you wish to express your appreciation

Data correction request

freccia a sinistraExit

Type of incorrect health documentation for which rectification is required

Public Relations Office

The Public Relations Office facilitates communication between the user and the Hospital.

The URP performs a function of orientation and information for the citizen in the field of hospital services and is the meeting place between the Hospital and the user: it supports the citizen in solving problems and, at the same time, triggers a series of processes aimed at improving the hospital organization and the services provided.

It deals with:

  • Listening to the user through direct or telephone interview
  • Collection of suggestions
  • Survey of needs and level of satisfaction
  • Management of disservice
  • General information on the organization and activities of the Hospital
  • Promotion of in-hospital activities open to the public
  • Reimbursement requests for services not performed


Telephone: 06 6837843
Toll-free number for reports: 800.17.17.03

Opening hours to the public
Mon – Sat 08.30a.m. – 12.30p.m.

Front office
Laura Mariotti

Chiamaci Useful numbers
Book Book
Useful numbers
Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
Switchboard 06 68 371
ReCUP Regione Lazio 06 99 39
Book Online Book
Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
ReCUP Regione Lazio 06 99 39