Useful Informations

Completed and useful information for the care pathway

Practical and essential information to facilitate access at the Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital: from how to book examinations to directions for picking up referrals, from information on services offered to foreign patients to how to access the emergency room, we are here to provide you with everything you need for an effective and peaceful course of care.

Assistenza d’urgenza

Urgent assistance

Urgent assistance services through the emergency room, the 118, medical guard, assisted transport, and direct access.

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Prestazioni Ambulatoriali

Outpatient services

Information necessary to access the benefits and medical examinations in agreement with the Regional Health System and in the private regime.

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Day Hospital e Day Surgery

Day Hospital e Day Surgery

How to access assessments, tests, and therapies without the need for traditional hospitalization.

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Preparazione a Visite ed Esami

Preparation for Visits and Exams

All preparation standards for performing outpatient examinations.

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Pazienti Stranieri

Foreign Citizens

We provide emergency care to the foreign citizens.

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Carta dei Diritti

Charter of the Rights of the Patient

All the principles of Hospitality and caring for the sick and family members to protect the patient’s rights as fundamental of the individual.

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Servizio Pastorale

Pastoral Service

It provides spiritual care and assistance to patients and caregivers, offering listening, personal dialogue and spiritual animation within the hospital community.

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All the answers to the most common questions about our services and procedures.

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Faq Whistleblowing

All the answers to the most common questions about the Whistleblowing management.

Chiamaci Useful numbers
Book Book
Useful numbers
Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
Switchboard 06 68 371
ReCUP Regione Lazio 06 99 39
Book Online Book
Cup SSN 06 6813 69 11
Private Activity Cup 06 6923 42 42
ReCUP Regione Lazio 06 99 39