EMATOS FIDAS is a Voluntary Organization that promotes the voluntary, periodic, responsible, anonymous and free donation of blood and its components to contribute to the regional self-sufficiency of blood and blood products.
EMATOS FIDAS was founded in 1992 at the San Giovanni Calibita Fatebenefratelli Hospital on the Isola Tiberina to coordinate donations from groups that spontaneously belonged to the Transfusion Service. After more than 30 years, it still collaborates with the same Institution, today Gemelli Isola Tiberina Hospital, promoting the gift of blood, raising awareness among citizens, building loyalty among donors and participating in the programming of activities in order to guarantee prompt transfusion therapy based on the needs of the Hospital and the Region. Together with the Hospital’s Transfusion Service, it also organises blood collection days also at the donor groups belonging to the Association.
In 1999, EMATOS was the first Association in Lazio to join FIDAS – Italian Federation of Blood Donor Associations, a historical reality of blood donation in Italy, present in 18 regions, which represents and coordinates about 80 associations and 500,000 donors in Italy. Today FIDAS is present in Lazio with 6 associations with which EMATOS assiduously collaborates in order to make the Region self-sufficient for blood, blood components and medicines derived from donated plasma.
EMATOS FIDAS contributes to regional self-sufficiency with about 3,000 blood donations and blood components per year; it has about 3,800 registered donors, a Board of Directors of 7 members, over 100 volunteers present throughout the territory of Rome (and in small part in the Province) who provide their service to 20 loyal groups. It includes collaborations with very significant realities in the city, such as the Municipal Police Corps of Rome Capital – in particular with the Command and Group I – the Jewish Community and the National Football Association 1971, which donate daily to the Transfusion Service as well as on the occasion of extraordinary collections in the territory.
Associative offices President
Vice-President: Samantha Profili
Vice-President: Pio Federici
Treasurer: Fabrizio Guerra
Directors: Serena Pappagallo, Giovanni Amici, Andrea Polidori, Francesco Settimi
Auditor: Giovanni Battista Provenzano

At Ospedale Ospedale Isola Tiberina – Gemelli Isola
Square Fatebenefratelli, 2
Isola Tiberina – 00186 Roma