Scheduled for 6 May, from 8 a.m. to 4.30 p.m., the event “Pathways for the diagnosis and treatment of the thyroid nodule: hospital-territory synergy” organized at our Hospital by Prof. Carmela De Crea, director of the UOC Endocrine Surgery, and Dr. Michele Lepore, general practitioner.
In recent decades there has been a considerable increase in the incidence of thyroid nodules, attributed, in part, to the greater diagnostic abilities and the greater diffusion of ultrasound. This phenomenon has evidently led to a significant increase in the incidence of thyroid carcinomas, including carcinomas > 4 cm in size, with extra-thyroid extension and laterocervical metastases.
The objective of the course, scheduled for 6 May, is the identification of the appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic pathways that must guide the differential diagnosis in the thyroid nodule, allowing the correct and early framing of benign and high-risk malignant pathologies.
The objective can only be pursued through a synergistic collaboration between the territory and the hospital, which facilitates and promotes communication between the specialist and the general practitioner.