In order to respond to the needs of many patients in possession of supplementary health policies, the Hospital has activated agreements for hospitalizations and outpatient services with different Funds and/or Insurances that manage health policies, thus being able to offer reduced rates.
Depending on the case, the agreements are “direct” or “indirect“:
- Direct agreement means the procedure whereby the Institution affiliated with the Hospital assumes direct responsibility for the payment, partial or total, of the services provided.
- Indirect agreement means the procedure whereby the patient, although benefiting from advantageous economic conditions, pays in full for the services provided and subsequently requests reimbursement from his/her Institution

Given that each Fund/Insurance has its own rules regarding the conditions, terms and methods to take advantage of the agreement, we invite our patients to contact their Institution in advance.
For more information you can write to the Ufficio Ricoveri (Private Hospitals Office) in Regime Privato (Private Regimen) email: